About Me

I started learning software development in 2014, and after one year, I have already fallen in love with open-source communities (although I started to contribute actively only in 2022). At my graduation in Computer Engineering (2016-2020), I worked with computer vision and machine learning as ungraduated research.

At my Master’s (Jan/2020-July/2022), I worked as a Computer Vision Researcher at INCoD on multiple projects (cytology, self-driving car, model evaluation). Research and execute experiments with deep learning models (PyTorch, Detectron, Fast.ai, HuggingFaces, some others) for working with images of tiny cervical cell structures.

I also worked at GISCaruso, as a Spatial Data Scientist on the research and development team. Developing pipelines, dashboards, creating and maintaining models for environmental risk assessment of power transmission with GIS data (satellite imagery, weather data, and more) using Python and ArcGIS ecosystem on Azure.


Master’s degree - Computer Science with emphasis on computer vision and deep learning
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Bachelor’s degree - Computer Engineering
Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS)

Professional course - Software development
Escola E. de Ensino Profissional Dr. Solon Tavares