Detecção de núcleos em imagens citológicas de AgNOR utilizando Aprendizado Profundo

Published in XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em saúde - CBIS 2020, 2020

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Evaluate the use of object detection models for the detection of nuclei stained with silver from patients with cervical cancers. Method: Using images of a dataset containing slides stained with silver nitrate, a method known as AgNOR. However, this method of cytology has not yet been much explored, mainly using computational methods. Thus, the Faster-RCNN model is compared with different backbones for the detection of nuclei in images stained by the AgNOR method. Result: The work reached the values of 0.66, 0.79, and 0.80 for accuracy, precision, and recall respectively using a Faster-RCNN model. Conclusion: Faster-RCNN can detect individual nuclei stained with the AgNOR method.


    author={Jo{\~{a}}o Gustavo Atkinson Amorim and Luiz Antonio Buschetto Macarini and Andr{\'{e}} Vict{\'{o}}ria Matias and Allan Cerentini and Fabiana Botelho De Miranda Onofre and Alexandre Sherlley Casimiro Onofre and Aldo von Wangenheim},
    title={Detec{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o de n{\'{u}}cleos em imagens citol{\'{o}}gicas de AgNOR utilizando Aprendizado Profundo},
    publisher = {Journal of Health Informatics},